Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I guess now that we've been home for well over a week it's time to post about our Thanksgiving trip to Colorado. It was a lot of fun and the food was amazing.

Michael was relatively good on the airplane to and from Denver. They were still the most stressful times of our trip, but Michael let us bribe him with food, toys, and books for most of the flights. And the reading light buttons above our seats. He just could not leave those alone. But turning the lights on and off kept him happy. That was the important thing.

We got to Colorado Tuesday morning and spent the first few days entertaining ourselves by playing with Ki and Tess:

And watching Signing Time with them:

And playing with the chickens. I had a lot of fun with the chickens too and took my turn feeding them, collecting eggs, and fending off Big Red attacks (a gorgeous, cranky, red rooster that hates people). He pretty much just runs into the back of your legs and puffs up. He can't do a whole lot when he's that small and doesn't have hands.

It took Michael a few minutes to warm up to the chickens, but after that I had to keep my eye on him. It seemed like every time I turned around Michael was running for Big Red and I had to jump in between them to keep Michael from trying to pet the murderous bird:

Here's a quick video of Michael laughing at the chickens and Tess looking adorable in her outfit:

Screecher is the rooster crowing in the video. He is a nice rooster that my family raised from a hatchling, soI don't have to stress about him pecking Michael's eyes out.

We also had a great time lounging in front of the fireplace. I forgot to get a picture, but it was glorious having a fire going almost the entire time.

Thanksgiving meal was amazing. Here's my dad carving the turkey (sorry about the lighting):

And here's my full plate:

Everything was delicious. Jeff was especially pleased at my first attempt at making cranberry sauce.

After lunch, my dad got out his tractor:

Michael wasn't too keen on it until Daddy got on and let him play with the steering wheel:

Then he was willing to sit with Grandpa:

We're really grateful we were able to go visit for so long. Happy late Thanksgiving!


Jen Duke said...

Your parents house looks insanely fun to visit as a kid. That Michael just keeps getting cuter! I love the picture of him in the toy car. Glad this visit was much better than the last one- travelling wise I mean.

Kaylee Steiner said...

AH! SOOO cute! And I must agree with Jenna...what a fun place! I'm super impressed you made cranberry sauce! Sheesh you homemaker you! But I can NOT wait to see you guys at Christmas!!!!!

Edie Veronin said...

thanks for posting the video clip--It is Tess's new favorite movie.

Anne said...

Okay, so I was watching your video at one of BSU's computer labs with ear buds in my ears and about jumped out of my chair when Screecher crowed! Scared the heck out of me! Looks like a blast at the Veronin homestead. I hope to make it there someday.

Liz said...

So cute, and looks so fun. Signing time--I have never heard of this, but watching Michael do it today was adorable. I'll have to look more into it.