Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We're Still Cute... Well, Most of us, Anyway

   What can I say?  Michael's been off his game lately:

 I mean, come on, kid.  Sharing your blankie with the kitties?  Watching football with Grandpa Veronin?  You're trying way too hard.

Anyway, here are some catch up whatnots:

 We celebrated Amy's birthday with an angel food cake with whipped cream and strawberries.  It was yummy.  Michael loved the fire:

Michael got cupcakes at his birthday, which my Mom, Ki, and Tess were able to be in town for:

Grandma Veronin gave Michael his first scooter.  It was a big hit:

Michael was even willing to share his new scooter with his Uncle Ki while Michael rode his bike:

 I love his cupcake mustache!

We went to Grandma Day's house that Sunday and had more cupcakes!:

Random picture of Michael in his big boy underwear (nope, not potty trained yet), knocking over a stack of blocks with his scooter.  He'd yell "Boom!" when the tower fell and then he'd build it back up to be knocked back down:

Summer play:

Plus, he dances! (Well, sorta):


Kaylee Steiner said...

He is still just so flippin' cute! Seriously. I just love that boy!

Edie Veronin said...

Thank you for (finally!) posting more pictures of my adorable grandson!

Anne said...

Cyndi he's gotten so big! Can't wait to see you guys in a week! :)