This year Jeff, Michael and I stayed in Utah for Thanksgiving. Since a good portion of my extended family came to Utah to have Thanksgiving with my Aunt Karen, the Veronins braved the drive (beating the "blizzard") as well and stayed with us for Thanksgiving week. It was a little cramped in our three bedroom town home, but it was very much worth it. Ki, Tess, and Michael all loved playing with each other again and I always love seeing my family.
Unfortunately, I only took pictures with my phone, so they are almost all terribly fuzzy.
Thankfully, I got a decent one with Ki loving Michael:
Thanksgiving day, we went to the Day's where we measured Michael against some of his cousins, making us feel a bit better (he is still our little boy).

A little before the meal, one of Jeff's nephews, Braxton, came running upstairs. He had completely
covered his hair in
butter. He held his greasy hands out to his dad in a plea for him to clean them. Not the hair, just his hands. It was hilarious. Ah, the things we get to look forward to with small children.
After an amazingly fantastic meal, we played Bang! and chatted while some children (not Michael) slept. It was a long but
very enjoyable day.

As per a kind of family tradition, my family went to the movies the day after Thanksgiving. Jeff, my grandpa, and I stayed with the small children since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows isn't exactly kid friendly. It was fun to watch them play together. Especially since Ki hasn't had too much experience playing with other kids his age.

It was a great holiday and I was sorry to see my family leave. Thankfully, it wasn't too long before we got to see them again...