Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Mike's Still Cute

Yesterday, we had Michael's 2 month doctor's appointment. Anyone want to guess what our chubby boy weighs? 13 lbs 10 oz. 2 weeks ago, we went to the doctor's for his acid reflux and he had just passed 12 lbs. I'm scared to buy diapers at Costco even though size 2s go up to 18 lbs. I don't know if we'd be able to get through all of them in time. This kid is growing fast!
As for his acid reflux, the doc put him on some medication that he has to take first thing in the morning and then wait 20 minutes before getting fed. I was terrified of not being able to feed him for so long. Usually, if he's hungry, he wants food now. We got so lucky with our boy. He'll take his medicine and then hang out on his changing table for 15 minutes or so. He loves that thing, especially since we got him a mobile:

He really loves that blue elephant. I'm a little jealous since diaper changing time usually went something like this:

But I can't get too jealous since that thing can hold his attention for so long. It's a life saver.

Here's Michael, just being adorable with his new mittens (no more eye gouging for this baby):

Sleeping peacefully, wrapped up tight:

Just waking up and stretching:

And now wants food:

(even his angry faces are cute!)

Michael fell asleep with his hand between his face and my arm. We got a very detailed imprint, fingernails and everything!:

Also, we had a little (maybe too much) fun playing with Michael's hair:

(as you can see, it got a little too exciting for the boy)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

A couple of announcements

Now that I'm back at work I'm probably going to start doing boring blog posts again. Oh well, deal with it.

Michael's blessing will be the first Sunday in July and my dad will be giving the blessing. I think most of you have already heard about this, but I thought it might be worth mentioning again just in case.

Also, I'll be heading back to UVU this fall. I'm taking 12 credit hours in pursuit of a bachelor's degree in computer science. I'll still be working full time, but it's a point of shame for me that I did so badly in college, and it'll be slightly less embarrassing to get my degree before at least one of my little sisters.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Here's a quick picture tribute to Jeff for his first Father's Day.

To a wonderful father and husband, Happy Father's Day!

(This outfit was a part of Jeff's Father's Day gifts)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pleased As Punch

We had an interesting day yesterday. Here is our boy, smug as can be as he hangs out on his changing table after a bath. This bath took three times as long as usual because someone decided to take multiple dumps in the water. Don't be weird, it was Michael. After the bath, I put him in a clean diaper that he immediately began to dirty (he actually started before the diaper was fully on). Hence the happy boy:

Earlier yesterday, he took a moment to poop on his poor daddy, and later that night, he proceeded to puke all over his mother. Most people would think twice before doing stuff like that to someone they had just met 6 weeks ago, but it's nice to see that Michael is so completely comfortable with us.

Now here are some quick pics of Michael being cute (and not spewing bodily fluids on his parents):

Monday, June 14, 2010

It Wasn't Bed Bugs

A few weeks ago, after arriving home from a long and exhausting road trip, we discovered we had carpet beetles. They aren't dangerous, but they are pests that eat just about anything. I was just grateful they weren't bed bugs (one of my biggest fears). To treat for the beetles we had to get everything we could off the floor and remove all living creatures from the house so they could spray. This included the cats and Michael. So, that Saturday, I found myself in the car with this as my cargo:

2 angry cats and an unhappy baby. So much fun.
I took my noisy car load to visit the in-laws while Jeff stayed behind to supervise the carpet spraying. My less-than-pleased cats took a few minutes to sniff around before retreating under the couch to avoid any chance of me wanting to put them back in their travel cages:

Sadie emerged for a few minutes in time to encounter Lucy, the residential cat. They stared each other down from across the hall before withdrawing to their respective hiding spots and didn't reemerge until I chased Sadie and Taffy out from under the couch with a butterfly net to go back home.

Needless to say, after that we've been keeping our house a lot neater. In fact, Jeff spends a portion of his mornings cleaning the downstairs (while also watching Michael). He's an amazing help.

And now for some cute pictures of Michael. Here is his new favorite spot, his blue swing where he can stare at fish and blinds:

His usual sleeping pose:

Although he does still love to keep his fist next to his head:

Someone sucked too hard on his pacifier:

Michael has taken to being adorable on his changing table. He loves to smile at me while I get ready to change him:

We love our cute little boy. He turns 7 weeks old on Thursday (as Jeff turns 26)!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Music and the boy

So, tonight for some reason the only thing that would calm Michael was music. I whipped out my blackberry and played him a selection. Songs he liked included:

Time To Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman - this is what calmed him down enough to give me and Cyndi back a little sanity
Whiskey Lullaby by Allison Kraus and Brad Paisley - by the end of this one he was calm and I was crying
Inside Out - all of it
Billy Joel's Piano Man - this one made Cyndi happy
Foo Fighter's Let It Die

Clearly he has good taste.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Who's a smiley boy?

Can you guess? Can you guess who's a smiley boy?

That's right, it's Michael!

Yeah, me and Michael played this game this morning while he was feeling playful. I asked him in an ever-higher voice who was a smiley boy while playing with the red light on the camera, and these were the result. I'm not entirely sure whether he was smiling at me, contorting his face in embarrassment or just had gas, but it was adorable nonetheless.

Also, sorry about the poor light, but if I held the camera in front of my face then he would get distracted by that instead of being cute for me, and if he's not cute then he's not worth photographing. That's just science.

Edit: I've gone ahead and created a picasa album for all our pictures of Michael. Not all of them are cute, but at least they're all there. We'll still add pictures to the blog like we always have, this is just a place where you can see all of them whether we put the on the blog or not.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Picture Heavy Month

Michael is one month old. It's weird to think that we've had a baby for so long and yet so short a time. Our boy is constantly eating and we think (from a bathroom scale) that he's about 11 lbs. I estimate he has already gone through at least 350 diapers. Considering he's only 34 days old, that's approximately 10 diapers a day. He's lucky he's cute and we can't live without him.

For Memorial Day, we took a 4 day weekend to visit my family in Colorado. It was a long drive but the trip out there was pretty uneventful. Michael was an amazingly good boy and slept for most of it. He would wake up every hour and a half or so to be fed and changed but would pass right back out again on the on-ramp to the freeway.

We did stop at a windy scenic area to stretch our legs and give Mike a break:

We also stopped by the children's hospital in Denver to visit my dad and Ki. Michael finally met his Grandpa Veronin:

And my dad had a lot of fun holding his first grandson:

Ki was awake and interested in Michael. First impressions:

He said "baby" a lot and consented to having his picture taken with his nephew (P.S.-Ki's pathology came back clean! They got all the cancer!):

Michael making the rounds in the family with Grandma Veronin:

his Great Grandma Durney:

Aunt Mary:

Aunt Joe:

And Aunt Katie:

They even took an adorable nap together:

We also got to see how much Tess-a-Bess has grown!:

On the way home, we stopped at Goblin Valley. It was overcast and a perfect day to hike around for an hour with our little boy. Jeff carried him in our baby carrier:

We climbed around a bit:

And Michael slept, very content against his daddy:

We let Michael ride in the car in just his onesie and he seemed very pleased:

For a bit:

He reached his limit for the car seat about an hour before we got home. Music saved us that last hour, but everyone was exhausted and very cranky by the time we got home. I don't think we'll be taking another road trip anytime soon.

Here are some recent pictures of Michael that I love:

Fluffy hair after a bath:

His first fist bump:

Cuddling with daddy on the couch:

So dang cute!:

We love our little boy and we're so glad we were able to travel with him to see my family! Thank you Mom and Dad for letting us take your blue swing. Michael really loves it: