Monday, June 14, 2010

It Wasn't Bed Bugs

A few weeks ago, after arriving home from a long and exhausting road trip, we discovered we had carpet beetles. They aren't dangerous, but they are pests that eat just about anything. I was just grateful they weren't bed bugs (one of my biggest fears). To treat for the beetles we had to get everything we could off the floor and remove all living creatures from the house so they could spray. This included the cats and Michael. So, that Saturday, I found myself in the car with this as my cargo:

2 angry cats and an unhappy baby. So much fun.
I took my noisy car load to visit the in-laws while Jeff stayed behind to supervise the carpet spraying. My less-than-pleased cats took a few minutes to sniff around before retreating under the couch to avoid any chance of me wanting to put them back in their travel cages:

Sadie emerged for a few minutes in time to encounter Lucy, the residential cat. They stared each other down from across the hall before withdrawing to their respective hiding spots and didn't reemerge until I chased Sadie and Taffy out from under the couch with a butterfly net to go back home.

Needless to say, after that we've been keeping our house a lot neater. In fact, Jeff spends a portion of his mornings cleaning the downstairs (while also watching Michael). He's an amazing help.

And now for some cute pictures of Michael. Here is his new favorite spot, his blue swing where he can stare at fish and blinds:

His usual sleeping pose:

Although he does still love to keep his fist next to his head:

Someone sucked too hard on his pacifier:

Michael has taken to being adorable on his changing table. He loves to smile at me while I get ready to change him:

We love our cute little boy. He turns 7 weeks old on Thursday (as Jeff turns 26)!


Liz said...

Bwa ha ha ha! Jon and I loved the picture of the pacifier indentation. LOVED IT!!! said...

Ha ha!! I agree with Liz and Jon! What a cutie!