Monday, April 1, 2013

Tuesdays with Michael

So, I've been ridiculously busy the past few weeks with my work, and to make up for it my boss gave me 3.5 days off, including Tuesday. Tuesday turned out to be such a great day that I'm going to try taking Tuesdays off on a semi-weekly basis.

Last Tuesday I took him to the playground, and Michael decided he wanted to go down the slides all by himself. So he did. This is a big step, because I never liked slides as a kid and still need Cyndi at the bottom to feel totally comfortable with them. Michael has no such problems.

Since we haven't posted anything in the past few months, I'm going to go ahead and clear out the photos and videos I have taken in that time. In no particular order. Deal with it. 

Cyndi already blogged about Michael learning about how hot his grandpa's fireplace was, but here's a picture of his hand that I took:

This was a few days later, so some of it's healed.

Guess what's in the cupboard:

If you guessed demon Michael, you were correct!

Michael got a garage from Santa that he loved, and he got a book called "Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site" from his grandma that he loved even more:

This is just Michael pretending he's playing games with us:

Michael loving his aunt and uncle:

Finally, and these are the best, two videos. The first is Michael singing "Old McDonald". He had already sung and been clapped for, so he was anticipating a good response.

The second is Michael reading to his chicken while putting it to bed. The chickens are grandma's chickens and they live on the ceiling of daddy's office. This particular chicken was pulled down with a green chip clip that Michael had, it ran downstairs, then upstairs, then outside, then back upstairs (with us chasing the whole way, of course). Michael didn't want to go to bed, but he was more than happy to give the chicken a bath, watch videos on daddy's computer with it, and then put it to bed. This is basically Michael's bedtime ritual, just with him playing the parts of mommy and daddy.