Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pleased As Punch

We had an interesting day yesterday. Here is our boy, smug as can be as he hangs out on his changing table after a bath. This bath took three times as long as usual because someone decided to take multiple dumps in the water. Don't be weird, it was Michael. After the bath, I put him in a clean diaper that he immediately began to dirty (he actually started before the diaper was fully on). Hence the happy boy:

Earlier yesterday, he took a moment to poop on his poor daddy, and later that night, he proceeded to puke all over his mother. Most people would think twice before doing stuff like that to someone they had just met 6 weeks ago, but it's nice to see that Michael is so completely comfortable with us.

Now here are some quick pics of Michael being cute (and not spewing bodily fluids on his parents):


Anonymous said...

He is SO cute!!!!!!!

Jenn said...

So cute! Sorry Jeff, but he looks to me mostly like Cyndi. Especially those cheeks. Ah yes, the bodily fluids... Kenny has still avoided them for the most part but I don't even think twice anymore.

Edie Veronin said...

you know there is a hierarchy of bodily fluids--some are much worse than others. At our house we have become blase about the lesser fluids--we say, oh, it's only spit. said...

I guess you're right, he just loves you and feels comfortable around you already! He's just so darn cute! Those cheeks need a squeeze!

Liz said...

"Don't be weird, it was michael" HAHAHAHAHA! Loved it.

Anne said...

Good thing he's so cute!

barb v said...

These are really cute pics, he can pose, especially peeking out from the towel. I am saving that one! You guys have it easy, should have been around when we only had cloth diapers and no baby wipes, still had the same messes, had wash and reuse the diapers for 2 more years! You haven't even begun solids food yet! love to you all, and Happy Fathers Day Jeff.