Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Picture Heavy Month

Michael is one month old. It's weird to think that we've had a baby for so long and yet so short a time. Our boy is constantly eating and we think (from a bathroom scale) that he's about 11 lbs. I estimate he has already gone through at least 350 diapers. Considering he's only 34 days old, that's approximately 10 diapers a day. He's lucky he's cute and we can't live without him.

For Memorial Day, we took a 4 day weekend to visit my family in Colorado. It was a long drive but the trip out there was pretty uneventful. Michael was an amazingly good boy and slept for most of it. He would wake up every hour and a half or so to be fed and changed but would pass right back out again on the on-ramp to the freeway.

We did stop at a windy scenic area to stretch our legs and give Mike a break:

We also stopped by the children's hospital in Denver to visit my dad and Ki. Michael finally met his Grandpa Veronin:

And my dad had a lot of fun holding his first grandson:

Ki was awake and interested in Michael. First impressions:

He said "baby" a lot and consented to having his picture taken with his nephew (P.S.-Ki's pathology came back clean! They got all the cancer!):

Michael making the rounds in the family with Grandma Veronin:

his Great Grandma Durney:

Aunt Mary:

Aunt Joe:

And Aunt Katie:

They even took an adorable nap together:

We also got to see how much Tess-a-Bess has grown!:

On the way home, we stopped at Goblin Valley. It was overcast and a perfect day to hike around for an hour with our little boy. Jeff carried him in our baby carrier:

We climbed around a bit:

And Michael slept, very content against his daddy:

We let Michael ride in the car in just his onesie and he seemed very pleased:

For a bit:

He reached his limit for the car seat about an hour before we got home. Music saved us that last hour, but everyone was exhausted and very cranky by the time we got home. I don't think we'll be taking another road trip anytime soon.

Here are some recent pictures of Michael that I love:

Fluffy hair after a bath:

His first fist bump:

Cuddling with daddy on the couch:

So dang cute!:

We love our little boy and we're so glad we were able to travel with him to see my family! Thank you Mom and Dad for letting us take your blue swing. Michael really loves it:


Jenn said...

First, hooray for the pathology coming back clean, that's great news!
Michael has changed so much! Look at those cheeks! I want you not to keep a diaper total going too much longer- it becomes thoroughly depressing after about 6 months:).

Jen Duke said...

Holy smokes! Look at those cheeks! He IS chunking up!!! I love it. The first bump was hillarious too- nice touch Cyndi. I'm glad your trip was fun and that your family finally was able to meet him. Your dad seemed super happy about it too. :) And also, huzzah on the pathology being clean! Yay for Ki!

Liz said...

Aw! How fun, all of it! And Ki is an adorable little fellow. Very happy that his cancer is gone! said...

I'm glad you got to go see your family and show off your cute baby! I'm also so glad to hear the cancer is gone!

barb v said...

I love seeing these pictures, Michael is soooo sweet, his cheeks are like Cyndi's when she little. She was a precious baby too. I bet Jeff was too. You are great parents, enjoying your baby boy, the way it should be! Lve to you all

Edie Veronin said...

love the cheeks! they remind me of someone...

donna said...

You had better tell Jessica to make a bigger size sweater! He's growing fast. Adorable!

Jessica said...

Haha, it's OK, I'm sure someone else in the family will be having babies soon, they can have it if Michael outgrows it (Hint hint Rachel and Brandon!). I love love LOVE the pictures of Tess! It's a good thing our family isn't crazy people or all of these kids would be entered in weird child beauty contests already. Michael is adorable! Can't wait to see more.