For the last few weeks, we've mainly been dealing with illness. We all caught something and Michael has yet to shake it. Let's just say it makes for some... interesting diapers.
We celebrated Pioneer Day by hiking to the G in Pleasant Grove. In my case, I should say tried to climb to the G, because I made it just over halfway before having to turn back. I felt like I was going to die. In my defense, we were basically climbing up the mountain. No switchbacks or anything. My very kind sister-in-law, Brittney, hung back with me and didn't judge when we turned around. Jeff, on the other hand, made it all the way to the top while carrying Michael! Kudos for him, especially since I had the water. Thankfully, his family shared after I left him to die of dehydration.
After the hike, we regrouped at his parent's house for food and fireworks. I love a good sidewalk fireworks show, so I had a lot of fun putting one on for the kids. I think it went well, despite almost setting the neighbor's yard on fire. Michael seemed to enjoy cuddling with Grandma, and ended up falling asleep in her lap:
Michael is such a sweet boy and I feel so blessed to have him in my life but, in the last week, he has started expressing himself in ways I could do without. I know he hasn't been feeling well with teething and diarrhea, so I've been trying to be extra patient with him but it's hard.
Earlier this week, we were in the kitchen and Michael brushed by the trash can. Hearing the bag rustle, I turned and said "Michael, we don't play with the trash. It's gross". He gave me a look, glanced at the trash can, looked back at me, reached out and grabbed the trash can. What a butt.
He's also taken to letting me know he's ready to get out of his high chair by throwing all his remaining food on the floor, piece by piece.
It really doesn't help that he's gotten into this phase of walking like a drunk and falling every 10 feet or so. He's been doing so well walking that I think he's trying to multitask (like stare at the ceiling while walking) and it's not working out so well. And, since he isn't feeling well, he feels the need to cry and get comforted by Mom every time he falls. It starts to fray the nerves after a few times.
It's not all bad, though. Michael is still stinking adorable. He's been babbling more and is working hard at letting me know exactly what he wants with pointing and "talking". He can go up and down stairs (although I still feel the need to spot him) and he loves to put things away in an almost OCD manner.
Today has been especially fun. He was such a good boy at church and charmed everyone in our temple prep class by running around the room, laughing his head off and "talking" on my phone (it's a small class in a big room). He had a lot of fun playing with Daddy, he laughed at the rain, and danced while playing peek a boo. Then, Michael had his rubber ducky make fart noises in the tub, thinking it was the funniest thing ever. And it was.