Forgive my absence from the blogging world. First I was lazy and then life got rough.
Christmas was a lot of fun. We spent Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Day's house with family, subs, and Elf. Christmas morning we woke up at our leisure (when Michael woke us) and opened our gifts next to our tree with all the ornaments out of Michael's reach.
-Side note: Michael especially loved our Pluto ornament and would point at it every few hours yelling "Puppy! Puppy!". Some days, he'd do it when Jeff got home from work too, in case Daddy had forgotten we had the wonderful ornament while he was gone.
Michael got a lot of fun gifts, including one of those barking, flipping dogs.
It actually flips on non-carpeted surfaces.
For the first week or so, whenever we went downstairs he would start yelling "Puppy! Puppy!" in hopes that I'd turn it on while he ate breakfast. He was scared of it at first and would only touch it when it was turned off. Whenever it fell over he would dance around it saying "Uh-oh! Uh-oh!" until one of his parents righted the poor thing.
Now he isn't scared of it at all, which means he'll grab its legs while it tries to run or flip. The poor puppy probably doesn't have much of a lifespan left.
More Christmas fun:
What Michael saw:
We also went to our nephew, Paxton's, blessing. Doesn't he have the cutest family?:
After the new year, my little sisters came to Utah. Katie came back because she just can't get enough of hanging out with me, and Amy came out to start her first semester at BYU.
Plus, my parents flew out to WA to buy a new truck and drove through UT on their way home and stayed with us for a few days so they could go to my niece, Abby's, baptism.
Unfortunately, Jeff and Michael were sick so we had to stay home. The illness continued to get worse until I took Michael to the doctors on Monday where we found out he had an ear infection and bronchitis. Highly contagious, the bronchitis hit Jeff and Michael before coming for me. At least this way we've been able to help each other out. Jeff has actually been amazing these last few days while I've been hit hard with fever and cough. He's been working half days while taking care of Michael and me.
To top things off, the semester has started and both Jeff and I are going to school this Spring. So much fun.
That's pretty much where we stand right now.
In closing, here's Michael from this morning, dancing to Little Einsteins. They do have a really catchy opening theme: