Saturday, June 27, 2009

Best. Book. Ever.

I know a lot of people that read this blog share similar tastes in literature, so I wanted to give them a heads up on what might, in fact, be the best fantasy book ever: Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson. It's complex, exciting, and gripping the entire time. If you're a fan of the fantasy genre, you owe it to yourself to pick this book up and read it.


Jenn said...

Oooo. I shall have to go buy it. I've been needing a good vacation book. Thanks for the heads up.

donna said...

Ryan loves his Alcatraz series and is waiting for the next one to come out. I didn't realize that he was LDS!

mary said...

i just requested it from the library (i'm on a list grrr), thanks for posting this jeff, i am excited! (now i just need to find the time to read it!)