Sunday, April 10, 2011

Michael and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Haircut

Michael's hair has always been a little long, and I've trimmed it a few times to keep it out of his eyes or from looking like a mullet. Finally, I decided it was time for an actual sit-the-boy-down-and-take-half-an-inch-off-the-top haircut. It was an experience, to say the least.

To start, here are some before pictures:

For the haircut, I set Michael in his walker in front of the tv, thinking this would keep him from moving around too much.

He lost interest in the tv within 5 minutes. From then on, he just wanted the scissors. Even putting Aladdin on only bought me a few extra minutes with the singing.

Here are a couple of during shots:

Doesn't he look so happy?

I got mostly done before Michael started twisting and crying so much I couldn't continue. It was time for bed and I figured I would just finish the next day. Then I had a thought. I have to give him a bath before bed, why don't I just finish the haircut in there?
Worst Idea Ever.

Michael, no longer restrained in even the loosest terms, crawled back and forth in the tub, standing and sitting, and overall just not letting me cut his hair in an orderly fashion. Having cut hair everywhere certainly didn't help. I tried to keep it from falling in the tub, but that wasn't going to happen. It got stuck to me and the boy and it was just miserable.

He thought it was kind of funny that mommy was chasing him with scissors as he raced across the tub:

I finally finished -or at least got to a point that it wasn't long anymore. I thought it looked a little like someone grabbed some hedge clippers and just started whacking whatever happened to look longer than the other hairs (which kind of is what I ended up doing), but the more I see it, the more okay I am with it. Although, I think next time I'm just going to buzz the kid.

The final look:


Anne said...

I think it's a two person job. I applaud you for even attempting (and it did turn out cute!) because I was too chicken with Max. I had James' step grandma come over and cut Max's hair when he was around the same age. It was my job to keep the boy entertained while she did the snipping.

Liz said...

AH I think it looks fine--I was waiting to see a disaster!

Jen Duke said...

I think it looks fine! Like lizzy, I was also waiting to see something horrendous. Yeah, I got a tip from another mom to try the bathtub method and I thought it was horrible as well. We now have Austin sit and hold/entertain them while I cut.

Kaylee Steiner said...

I think it looks great!! I like how you even did around his ears perfectly. I'm impressed! :)

barb v said...

He is going to be cute no matter how Mommy cuts it.I'd wait for Dad's dayoff to help, or was it suppose to be a surprise! His pic in the tub is so cute, he is a precious boy! Haircut is really good.

Edie Veronin said...

I never had to cut the hair of anyone so young--Hezekiah was 15 months old before we could cut his hair, and then I paid someone to buzz him. said...

Nice job! That's a pretty funny story!