I'm very proud! (I still owe you for the produce, Grandma. Sorry.)
Jeff is enjoying school more now that he's dropped two classes. No complaints from me. He gets home sooner at night and we get a tuition refund. He's also less stressed and has more energy to play with Michael. We have a much happier house.
Michael is working on sitting up and can balance himself for a few seconds without help. He can even pull himself into a sitting position if he's already partway there (like lying on a pillow), but then promptly falls over.
One of his favorite games is standing on our stomachs while we lie on the bed and being our "tall boy". It gets a grin every time (until I point a camera at him).
He's gained the ability to grab his feet and suck on his toes. It is so much fun to lay him on his changing table and just let him go at it. If he's on the floor, Michael will grab his feet and have a ball rolling onto his side.
He has rolled all the way onto his stomach but we haven't actually seen it happen. We've both gotten him out of his crib when he's crying on his stomach but had gone sleep on his back, and Jeff says he put the boy down on his stomach and a minute later he was on his back. I can't wait for proof that someone isn't just secretly pushing him over when we're not looking.
And his tongue! He's having a lot of fun sticking it out at us and blowing raspberries! It is by far my favorite thing he's learned to do.
And here's the boy eating his sock:
Hey! I just wrote a whole blog post without using the words "cute" or "adorable"! (The last few posts have been kind of overrun by those adjectives.) It was not easy, people. ;)
SOOO cute! I miss seeing your child! But we'll be down in 10 days!!! Yay! Also, I just got done canning peaches..I am definitely proud of you and admire your pictures! Your peaches look awesome...way more awesome then mine. :)
I love how beautiful bottled peaches look. Brightens the whole room! And I am going to use those adjectives cute and adorable when referring to your boy because he is! Oh, and let's not forget limber....
Wow those peaches look good. Well done, how domestic of you:). And that's exciting, about the toes- my mom (the pediatric physical therapist) gets so excited when babies discover their toes because apparently thats a huge development milestone that paves the way for crawling later.
What a boy you have! He is so "cute" and "adorable". There, i used them for you.
I don't love canning, but I love how my jars look all lined up! Lovin' the chub, Michael!
Nice job canning! I love it when they love their toes!
Your peaches and salsa are beautiful! And so is Michael.
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