Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Life is still pretty much taken by school and respective jobs, but lately it is not unusual to find my little sisters, Katie and Amy, over for food or hanging out. We'll watch tv and play on our phones and ipads and pretty much just enjoy each other's company:

Michael loves the extra attention he gets as they compete to be Favorite Aunt.

I really like having my sisters over so much, partly because I love cooking for more than 2 people (and a half? Michael doesn't really count) and I usually don't have to deal with left overs when they join us:

Michael is, of course, still cute. And a pill. He's gotten into the "tantrum phase" and we're working on how to deal with it and him. Timeouts seem to be making an impact, thankfully, but sometimes my patience wears a little thin and I end up making his timeout a bit longer than the recommended 1-minute-per-year. Michael is very good about staying in his chair until the timer beeps, though, and even cheers when he hears it. He's such a sweet boy and we sure do love him.

Here he is "loving" on poor Sadie:

And pushing Minnie in the baby swing:


Liz said...

Ah yes, leaving them in time out longer than recommended. I do the same with Luke, and I don't even think timeouts ARE recommended at his age. Ah well...he seems to understand them

spemberly.blogspot.com said...

I agree that it's nice to cook for more than 2 people. That's fun that you have your sisters over a lot! What good cats you have to put up with a toddler!

Kaylee Steiner said...

How fun!!! Sisters are so great! I'm glad you have family so close now! And Michael is DEFINITELY still cute! :) THIS WEEKEND I GET TO SEE YOU!!!!

Karen said...

Sisters are pretty sweet.

Edie Veronin said...

Ki and Tess have watched the video of Michael and Minnie about 50 times today.