Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We Have The Intranets!

Finally! Jeff and I can get online without pirating our neighbor's unsecured wireless networks. That means I can create a blog and post pictures without waiting two hours for everything to load! Hooray! In all honesty, that is what has taken me so long to post, so I apologize.

I've got a lot to catch this blog up on. Jeff already posted that we bought a house. Technically, a townhome, but I'll post more about that later. :)

To start, I'd like to thank my mother for letting me help her while she packed up our old apartment. She is amazing and I really don't think I could have made it through that week without her. I wish I had taken pictures of the old apartment for this so I could show everyone how much junk we had. Thankfully, that part of the move is over, and now I just have to unpack the massive amounts of unnecessary crap that I've hoarded over the 23 years of my lifespan.

I have some pictures to share with the next portion of the move: The Car Trip. Jeff drove the 22' moving truck, while I drove the Civic with the animals. Just so everyone is aware, cats do not enjoy car rides. We had both of the cats in harnesses and on leashes so they couldn't climb into the diver seat foot well, and, as adorable as they look in their gear, they really, really disliked it. Taffy spent most of the trip either yowling at me from the front seat or hiding in the litter box in the back seat. Thankfully, she hid more than she yowled. Sadie, on the other hand, spent the majority of the trip climbing all over me (while yowling), sitting on the front seat glaring at me (and yowling), or sleeping in my lap (finally unconscious). Dangerous, yes, but quiet. I was finally able to enjoy Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on cd. :)

The cats and rats spent about a week at Jeff's very kind parent's house while Jeff and I were in and out of hotels, waiting to officially move into our new home. It's been almost a full week since we got in, and I absolutely love it. Jeff did an excellent job picking out a new home for us. :)


Anne said...

I think your mom is amazing too! She can do about ANYTHING! Looks like a really nice place. Wish our carpets looked like yours do....

Karen said...

I learned the hard way that cats hate driving. When I was a litte girl, my Mom and I decided to see if our cat, Abner, would like the drive as we moved to Colorado. So, I just held him in the car, and yep - got a scratch from my wrist to my elbow. I had a scar for many years, and learned that we should drug the dang animal. So - mental note: drugs, not leashes...

Your place looks great. Can't wait until we're invited over for dinner! :)