Michael Peter Day just minutes after being born. He was born around 4:46pm MST, 6lb 11oz, 19.5" baby boy whose birth is a good example of just how angry God was at Adam and Eve.
This is a video we made around 8:30. He still hasn't had a bath, but he's adorable and Cyndi's been spending a lot of time bonding with him. When she holds him she just looks at his face and stares at him.
He's been mostly sleeping, but when he's awake his eyes are wide open and he can't decide whether wants to sleep, look at his mother, eat, or suck on his thumb/sleeve. While he was getting his vitals checked he kept going for his thumb. After they put a shirt on him, he started sucking on his sleeve. Between the hair and the sucking of thumbs and sleeves, there's no doubt about his parentage.
This is Cyndi's nurse trying to arrange her tubes and hange a new bag. She was a very good nurse and we were very glad to have her.
We'd love to be visited tomorrow, just give me a phone call or text message and I'll give you the code and make sure that we don't overwhelm Cyndi or the baby with too many people.
And now for the story. We arrived at the hospital at 5am. Our first nurse only had 1 hour left on her shift, so she was in no mood to start labor. We waited until 6:20 before they started Pitosin.
For the next couple of hours Cyndi was having contractions and didn't hardly feel them at all. In fact, she was ready to take a nap and wanted to get the epidural early so that she didn't sleep through her window of opportunity.
This continued for the next few hours. Cyndi and I read, she played her DS, went in and out of consciousness, etc. Right around 3, Cyndi was at around a 7 and the epidural started wearing off. We got another doctor in to give her another dose, and it started kicking in over the next ten minutes. The nurse was having Cyndi lay on her side because Mike was coming out sideways and they were hoping to turn him.
Mike's heartbeat before now had fluctuated at points. For 10 minutes his heart rate would dip really badly during a contraction, but then go back to normal for a while. Cyndi and I were concerned but her nurse wasn't as much. 10 minutes after getting the second epidural shot Mike's heart rate started going down again. His normal heart rate would get down to 110 during a contraction, when it was fluctuating badly it would get down to 90 or so. At this point, his heart rate was dipping to 60. The nurse called her supervisor in and they started having Cyndi roll to try to get Mike's heart rate up again. No dice. They tried her left side, then her right side, then flat on her back, then they even had her get on all fours.
By this point there were five nurses and two doctors in the room waiting for Cyndi's OB to get here to deliver the baby. They had Cyndi stop pushing and the doctor was trying to keep Mike from getting pushed and his heart rate from going down. That finally worked and kept him happy and healthy until our doctor got here.
After that it was ten minutes until Mike was born. Everything's been kind of a whirlwind and restful at the same time. I went to the nursery with him while Cyndi went to sleep. Come to find out, the food tray came right after they took the boy to the nursery to check his vitals, and so she was still awake when he was done so she got to feed him right after eating some food herself.
We were visited by Emily, who's got a wedding all weekend, and my parents and brothers and sisters still living at home. It was a nice visit, perfectly timed so that we got a good visit with the family and they left right when Cyndi was ready for alone time again.
Welcome to the world, Michael. He's beautiful! Congratulations Dad and Mom. I sent you something in the mail...I hope it gets to you soon.
Congratulations you two! We're so proud of you both. Welcome to parenthood! Michael is precious.
Love you, Grandma and Grandpa Veronin
Oh, he is so adorable! Congratulations you too.
He is darling,and will be loved so much by all of us. Congratulations Mommy and Daddy Day.Thanks for making me a Great Granni. Love to you all.
Congrats, he's beautiful! So happy for you guys. Daniel liked your video a lot too- he kept saying "baby" and trying to kiss the monitor:).
What a great birth-day. Glad everyone is doing well. Congrats! He's is so cute!!!
Oh, he is so cute! I can't wait to meet him. I'm glad all went well with getting him here.
Congratulations! He's really cute!
Congratulations Jeff and Cindy! Welcome to Michael! You make a very nice family. I'm excited in the extreme for you!
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