Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not Walking... Yet

It's been a while, but I was waiting for Michael to walk so I could have something exciting to talk about. As it is, he's taken a few unofficial steps before diving at either his dad or myself, but no actual walking.

He does still love his little racer. All I have to do is aim it at an open area and he'll climb up and wander off, yelling and smiling.

We've taken it outside some, too, while the neighbor kids ride bikes. Our neighbors, who adore Michael and wish he was their little brother, enjoy pushing him around when he gets tired of walking:

The racer is a big hit overall, but every once in a while, Michael will switch back to his other "push toy":

Our big boy has been practicing eating with a spoon. After feeding him for a bit, I'll hand him his spoon and let him go at it on his own. It starts out okay:

But after a while it becomes too much of a hassle and he drops it in favor of a more hands-on method:

At least he's happy, and he's getting some practice feeding himself.

Also, this kid loves loves loves the camera. If I point it at him, more often than not he'll give me a great big grin. I wouldn't be shocked if "cheese" ends up being his first word.


Liz said...

That picture of him being pushed on the racer is SOO cute! I laughed at his little legs sticking up off the ground. What a cutie.

Kaylee Steiner said...

Man he is a cutie!!! That's cute that the neighbors love him so much...but who can blame them? He's a crowd pleaser, especially with that handsome (CUTE) smile! :)

Anne said...

Okay, that last picture is hilarious! What a little ham. :)

Edie Veronin said...

Mike is terrific! I'm so glad you're enjoying him. And we can't wait to see him again in July!

Karen said...

He does take great pictures! Luke won't look at the camera anymore. Too much Mortensen in his blood...

spemberly.blogspot.com said...

What a cute kid!

Ray said...

Thank you for all the pictures. I love seeing that boy. He really does look alot like his mom. Can't tell you how much I am grateful for these blogs.