Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fun Times

This last weekend, we joined family in AF canyon to celebrate our Aunt Karen's birthday. We took dutch ovens and chips and salsa to a picnic spot (which we were lucky to find) near the river -which was running very fast and high.

While the other boys enjoyed throwing rocks into the river, Michael preferred to bring them onto his blanket and occasionally taste them:

We had a lot of fun talking and watching kids. Michael's favorite thing was the big, red wagon the Mortensen's brought. He and his cousins (once removed) rode around in it as often as possible.

Michael was perfectly happy just hanging out in the wagon until someone was willing to take him for a ride:

Lately, when I point the camera at him, Michael has been giving me this squinty-eyed, goofy grin. It's hilarious:

He looks so weird...

I brought Michael's car seat in to be cleaned, and it immediately became the newest coolest toy ever. He would climb in it and stash toys in the cup holder:

Michael has also been enjoying getting into awkward places and then crying pathetically when he can't get out easily:

He's such a silly boy who constantly keeps me on my toes:


Liz said...

Aw what a cutie. I can't wait for that age!

Karen said...

That night up the canyon was alot of fun! Thanks!!

Ellen said...

What a cute boy - I love him on the blanket tasting rocks!

spemberly.blogspot.com said...

I love his new smile!!