Cyndi: "Excuse me, could you do me a favor and turn down your music?"
Man: "I don't think it's that loud."
Cyndi: "Well, I can hear it in my house, do you think you could turn it down anyway?"
Man: "I don't think it's that loud. If you don't like it, you can call the police."
Cyndi: "What? Seriously?"
Man: "Yeah. If you don't like it, call the police."
Cyndi: "Okay."
Tell me, what would you do at that point? I'll tell you what I did. I called the police. It's not something I've ever done before, and I hope I'll never have to again. An officer came and he and the man talked for about an hour. At one point the man was handcuffed, but they were talking and laughing again by the time the cop left. Thankfully, the music was turned down, and I was able to enjoy the rest of my day with my husband.
The next morning, the man was waiting for Jeff when he walked to his car to go to work. It turns out that he didn't turn down his music even when the officer asked him to, and that's why he was in handcuffs. It was considered an arrest, and was apparently his first. He was really angry about it and told Jeff we should have closed our windows if his music was annoying us.
I do feel bad that he was arrested in front of his family, but I never meant for that to happen. All I wanted was for the music to be turned down. I don't consider it my fault that he pissed off the cop.
Jeff recommended that I apologize to him so we could have a decent relationship with our neighbors, and my mother agreed that apologizing would be the best thing to do IF we wanted to get along with these people (I do wish I knew if they were renting or if they owned their town home so I could let it blow over until they moved out- I'm such a coward). So I said a prayer and went over that afternoon to apologize, but no one was home. I wimped out the next day, and I've been sick the rest of the week. I don't know if I can work up the courage to try again. :(
It doesn't help that they all apparently hate me, from before I called the cops. They think I'm a jerk because when I came to look at the house, I didn't wave at them. Honestly, I don't think I even noticed them. I was a little preoccupied at the time. Also, the guy thought I had an attitude when I asked him to turn down his music. I'll admit, I was irritated when I asked, but I thought I was pretty polite.
I was so proud of myself for going outside to talk to him at all. He's a big, bald, scary looking Columbian, and it took a lot of courage for me to ask him to turn down the music. I wouldn't have even thought about calling the police on him, except that he asked me to.
I think Jeff and I will make some cookies this week and go introduce ourselves to all of our neighbors properly. It's about time we made more of an effort to get to know the people we'll be living next to for a while.
On a lighter note, here's (another) picture of the cats. Our new home came with a doggy door, and the cats absolutely love it. I'm not sure what they imagine they see through the non-transparent flap, but I'm sure it's fascinating. :)
Wow. You're braver than me. I would have sent Jeremy over - which, he would have not done, and so I would have had to live with the music. I say way to go with calling the cops, though. What a jerk. And then I think it's creapy that he waited for Jeff in the morning! Maybe a gun is a good idea! (I know, I've been hanging around Jeremy to long) haha.
What did the guy expect you to do when gives you permission to call the cops? I'm not sure what I would have done. In our first apartment, we shared a wall with a guy who kept really late hours with his music and girlfriend. We'd bang on the wall to shut them up. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. Why are people so inconsiderate?
He doesn't deserve cookies...maybe just a nice note will do. I don't understand why people get attitudes with Cops. My x and I had to call the cops a few times on our bipolar, drunk, veteran, hippie that smoked a few tokes and had a lot of parties. People living in a fourplex shouldn't play loud music.
I completely agree! When we live *so close* to each other, you have to be a little more courteous about things you'd be able to do if you had a house and a garage separate from other people, like play really loud music while you fix your car.
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