Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quick Kitty Update

Since the cats are the only other residents in our new home, I can't help but post about them when they learn something new. :)

Sadie and Taffy have figured out how to open the bathroom drawers, and they love to lie in them and crawl behind them, when possible.

It's still a little disconcerting to be the only one in the house, and hear drawers opening and closing.


Anne said...

How cute! I have been going back and forth whether I want a cat or a small dog. I am having trouble because I don't want to have to deal with either animal's waste!

Jeff said...

I prefer cats because you don't have to train them to use the litter box like you have to train dogs. Also, if you let them outside, they often prefer to go outside instead of doing it in the house, probably because the little box stinks so bad ;)

Karen said...

That is pretty funny. I really like cats, but Jeremy is conviently allergic, and would like to use them as shooting targets. Isn't that mean?! I would love to have a cat, but then - I have 3 kids to keep me busy.