Saturday, January 30, 2010


Baby Tess has pneumonia. She has been sick since Sunday with a cough and runny nose, but it never seemed bad enough to take her to a doctor. We just tried to give her whatever you're allowed to give a baby of 9 months (just about nothing) and hoped it would pass. Thursday night, she got a low grade fever and my parents didn't like the way she was wheezing. She was still really bad the next morning and my worried mother took her to urgent care as soon as it opened. They took her to the hospital in an ambulance to be admitted.

It turns out that she not only has pneumonia, but two ear infections as well. We knew she was miserable, but Tess is such a good natured baby we had no idea it was so bad. She's been in the hospital since yesterday morning and there's a good chance she'll have to spend another night there. To make matters even more fun, she's sharing a room with a younger baby that has RSV, which is very dangerous to infants and very easy to spread. The other baby cries about every 15 minutes and its mother keeps their tv on all night. It's a good thing my parents like hospitals so much...

Oh, and the hospital they're at is within walking distance of Tess's birth mother, so my parents have had the pleasure of entertaining her hysterics while trying to care for baby Tess.

Here is a picture of Tess in the hospital that I'm just copying from my mom's blog post:

You can't really tell but she's strapped to a gurney waiting to be taken to the ambulance, the poor thing.

1 comment: said...

How sad! She is so cute! Man, those two are having a time aren't they? I hope she gets well and gets to go home soon.