Thursday, May 13, 2010

Back to work!

Well, yesterday was my last day of paternity leave. 2 weeks is still pretty good, though. I've started taking the morning shift with Mike so that Cyndi can sleep in a little bit, but he's been drinking everything she pumps and then some. My informal estimate is that he's drinking 1.5 to 2 oz of milk every hour. We've started referring to feeding him as "reloading".

Edie taught me their version of the burrito wrap before she left, and this is my terrible approximation of it.

He really likes to have one of his hands free, so sometimes I won't re-wrap when he's gotten it. He's started growling at me when I'm wrapping him, which I think is hilarious now that I've confirmed it's not because I'm hurting him.

At my mom's suggestion, we've set up the easy chair in the office as a place for Cyndi to be able to sleep with the boy. Sometimes he just needs to be held to relax, and sometimes Mike needs it too *rimshot*. It's a great setup and I've started using it when it's my turn to watch him.

Finally, Cyndi's gotten after me for not putting any pictures of myself on the blog, so here's the most I'm willing to do.

He really does sleep better when someone's holding him, so I've taken to holding him in one arm while working on the computer with the other. You'll notice that Mike's not wearing even a onesie and that I'm wearing my shorts. No, it's not because I'm just going to or returning from a basketball game, it's because he's started leaking through everything. He pee'd all over me 4 times yesterday, and only 2 of them were while changing him. I think it's a territorial thing.


Anonymous said...

Jeff..I honestly think you are hilarious! I love the picture of you..thanks for being willing to share with us. haha! But your baby is SO CUTE!!! only about 9 more days till I'll hopefully see you!! And Him!!! And Cyndi! Woot! See ya soon! :)

Jenn said...

He is adorable! I always forget how teeny and sweet newborns are. That much pee is a good thing- that's one well-fed baby! said...

Hahaha! He is SO cute!!! Love the pictures!

donna said...

He's marking you!

Edie Veronin said...

Are the nights getting any better?

Karen said...

Do you have that "snuggie wrap" that I gave you? It makes burritoing babies totally easy with it's velcro tightness. Try it. I loved having that with Luke.