Thursday, July 17, 2008

They said yes, I said wow

I said when, and they said either today or early next week.

Okay, so the country song attempt breaks down right there (link for the uncultured), but still, I just heard from the recruiter at Omniture that they're just putting together the final offer with the finance department and that I should hear from them either today or early next week. As long as they give me a reasonable offer, I'm going to take it.

This means that Cyndi and I need to start packing up the apartment to move it all up to Utah. I'll want to see the final figure on the salary, but I think it's safe to say that we'll be looking to rent a house or a spacious apartment. The problem is that the apartment would have to accept us having two cats. Renting a house would hopefully be more conducive to us living with cats, and it would maybe let us let the cats out of the house instead of keeping them inside all day. I'm tired of cleaning out that stupid litter box every day; who knew that cats would create so much waste?


Anne said...

So is it too soon to say CONGRATS? This is the offer in Utah right? Now, you will only be 6 hours away and can come and visit the Orrs. We'll play Settlers of Catan, maybe even Munchkin. However, I cannot keep the hours of 3:00am that you guys and James kept at the reunion! I can't believe Chris stayed up that late playing too! Sheesh, doesn't he know that us old-folks need our sleep?

Jen Duke said...

Yay! Good news! Hopefully it all comes through. Good luck and congrats!

Karen said...

That's great! We'll hopefully get to see you often - although we are not the partiers of the family...

BTW - don't bring your cats over here to poop in my yard. We have enough of that around here. :)