Monday, July 21, 2008

Offer Received

About 5% lower than what I asked for, but it includes stock options and relocation assistance that bring it higher than what I asked for. I start August 4. Overall a pretty sweet deal. The hardest part is that they took so long to actually get to this point, that was pretty annoying.

So, we're not quite sure what our timetable looks like from here on out. I want to head to Utah for the latter half of the week to try to get an apartment all set up, or at least to get started with it. We're looking at possibly Pemberley, where Duane lives, or a place where Ricky and Taylor (Cyndi's soon-to-be-married friends) are going to be living and managing, or maybe renting/buying a house. We'll see what happens.

I don't know when Cyndi's going to be leaving her job or when/whether our current apartment managers will allow us out of the contract. There's no way that we're going to be willing to live apart for more than a week (if that). However, her current job is very dependent on her, and as far as I know there haven't been any decent applicants since they started trying to fill Cyndi's job. It's a real testament to just how good she is at what she does. Since she got hired, business went up by something like 60% (she can tell you the exact number), and it's largely fallen on her to cover all that by herself. She's incredibly good at her job and I'm sad to see her give up such a good job.

So, the deal is that Cyndi will go to school full time this fall and I'll take one class. If she can handle it, she might go for a part time job. It's an exciting change.

2 comments: said...

Woohoo! Congrats on the new job! We'll be glad to have you back up here. Good luck with all of your arrangements and getting moved. If you need anything, let me know!

Anne said...

Yeah! Sounds like things are looking good for you guys. I am excited for Cyndi to be in the Elementary Ed. program and know she will be an awesome teacher! She'll probably even finish before me, at the rate I've been going!

Good luck.